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In Progress • Apr 2024 – Present






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Project History and Development

The reason for this project is pretty straight-forward: I wanted a way to showcase a portfolio of selected projects that I've worked on, as well as my work and employment history to serve as an online version of my resume. The bulk of my work has been on the backend side of things, so I wanted to keep the design relatively simple. My original plan was to create a static site using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript; however, I quickly realized that I would like to have some way to save and display data from other projects that I'm working on. With this new requirement, I decided to go with Django.

The front end is very straightforward—I'm using Django templates with TailwindCSS, incorporated through the django-tailwind package. In the backend, my database of choice is PostgreSQL. I wanted to expose some REST API endpoints to allow my embedded projects to store data, and for that functionality I chose django-ninja

Future Plans

There are a few things that I would like to achieve in the future for this project. The first of these would be to add visualization for the data stored from my embedded projects. To begin, I plan to use Chart.js inside of a Django template. If it becomes clear that I will need a high level of interactivity on these pages, then I will likely incorporate HTMX and Alpine.js.

Another future improvement for this project would be to make better use of the asynchronous features offered by ASGI.